How security measures keep the scare away 👻
When was the last time your organization ensured all personal data and business critical applications were tested for vulnerabilities?
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When was the last time your organization ensured all personal data and business critical applications were tested for vulnerabilities?
How the Blockchain will be able to support and respect the rules on the protection of personal data introduced by the GDPR.
The reasons vary as to why someone performs an attack, anything from disruption of a competitor’s business to foreign influence
GDPR has been in the spotlight for the past couple of years, and organizations have been working hard to follow the requirements.
As the implementation of GDPR in law is approaching, we sat down with our GDPR and Security Specialist, to get his thoughts on the regulation!
Many controllers tend to use consent when it isn’t really needed, as a sort of safe haven when they are not really sure what to do.
The US Privacy Shield has been declared invalid. Read about the statement and what is meant by transferring personal data to a third country.
The role of the DPO is to be an extension of the supervisory authority and tohave an independent position inside or outside of the company
In GDPR there is a principle of accountability, which means that you should be able to demonstrate compliance with the regulation
One thing that is heavily emphasised in GDPR is the importance of Privacy by Design, but what anonymization and pseudonymization mean?