Why You Should Consider a KMS Service Like Ciphertrust Manager from Thales

If you're a business in Sweden using cloud services such as AWS and Google, you may be wondering how to protect your sensitive data with encryption. Encryption is an effective way to prevent unauthorized access to your information, but it also requires that you manage your encryption keys in a secure and efficient manner.

What is an encryption key?

An encryption key is a secret code used to lock and unlock your data. If someone obtains your key, they can read your data and compromise your integrity and security. Therefore, it's important that you have full control over your keys and know where they are stored, how they are used, and who has access to them.

A hand holding an encryption key from Thales

However, managing encryption keys can be a challenge, especially when using multiple cloud services from different providers. Each cloud service has its own methods and tools for creating, storing, and managing keys, which can lead to complexity, inconsistency, and lack of visibility. Additionally, you can't always rely on the cloud provider to protect your keys against internal or external threats.

This is where a KMS service like Ciphertrust Manager from Thales comes into play. Ciphertrust Manager is a solution that provides centralized and unified management of encryption keys for all your cloud services and applications. With Ciphertrust Manager, you can:

  • Create, rotate, restore, import, and export keys with high security
  • Assign roles and permissions to control who can use which keys
  • Set policies and rules for how keys should be used
  • Track and report on key activities
  • Use REST API to integrate with your own applications

Ciphertrust Manager is available in both virtual and physical formats that integrate with FIPS 140-2-compliant hardware security modules (HSM) from Thales to store the keys at the highest level of trust. These can be installed both on-premises in your own infrastructure or in public cloud environments.

One of the great benefits of Ciphertrust Manager is that it supports both BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) and HYOK (Hold Your Own Key) models for cloud encryption. This means you can create your own keys in Ciphertrust Manager and then use them to encrypt data in different cloud services such as AWS or Google Cloud Platform. This way, you retain full ownership of your keys without having to share them with the cloud provider.

But if you don't want to manage everything yourself, there's another option: to buy Ciphertrust Manager as a service from a Swedish provider that offers local hosting of the KMS solution. This gives you several advantages:

  • You don't have to train and certify personnel to manage a complex KMS solution.
  • You don't have to make large investments in licenses and infrastructure.
  • You don't have to make large investments in HSMs to protect your KMS.
  • You don't have to worry about maintenance, updates, or downtime of the KMS solution.
  • You get a quick start and implementation.
  • You have access to support and experts in Sweden from the beginning.

Learn more about KMS as a service: KMS Service – Complior – Protect Your Data

A man holding an encryption key

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