NC Protect

Complior has partnered with archTIS, a global provider of innovative information security software, to deliver advanced information security to enterprise and government organizations in the Nordics.
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Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

NC Protect offers a dynamic, policy-driven, attribute-based access control (ABAC) system and data protection that adapts according to the context of user activity to safeguard sensitive data from both accidental and intentional breaches and misuse. It strictly adheres to zero trust principles at the data layer, ensuring that only authorized personnel access the right data at the appropriate times.

NC Protect automatically discovers, classifies, and secures unstructured data across various platforms, including files, messages, and chat content. It dynamically modifies access and security settings by continuously analyzing the user context against file content, ensuring compliance with your business regulations and policies.

NC Protect smoothly integrates with your Microsoft 365 suite, including SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Office, and Exchange, as well as on-premises systems like SharePoint Server and Windows File Shares. It is also compatible with additional cloud storage solutions like Nutanix Files and NetApp ONTAP.

Graphic showing the NC protect system


NC Encrypt

Using NC Protect and NC Encrypt offers dynamic encryption and "Hold Your Own Key" (HYOK) for M365, for advanced security and control.

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NC Protect for File Shares

NC Protect provides real-time data loss protection for Windows file sharing systems by monitoring and reviewing data against defined policies.

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NC Protect for Microsoft 365

NC Protect offers customers a comprehensive security solution focused on data-centric protection for Microsoft 365 applications and file sharing on the Windows platform.

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